The Ivy Pinkerton Files
From New York, Ivy reports:
Starved for Leggings
While visiting the Dabbler in LA last week I learned a few important things:
1) LA is sometimes colder than NYC in the spring
2) The Dabbler and I have the same pajamas
3) Leggings are spreading like bird flu
You might figure that when a trend is featured in Star magazine it is practically over. Not so. This one is just getting started. While lunching with the Dabbler in a vegan-macrobiotic- inanimate-object-cruelty-
free restaurant as hip Angelinos tend to favor, I became aware of another important fact about leggings – they attract the very, very skinny. As I waited in line to order, the legging-clad woman in front of me (pictured left, center), ordered “brown rice with steamed kale” and then debated over what additional flavor-free roughage should accompany her “meal”, I couldn’t help think that I’d rather have pie (make mine meat pie) than leggings any day.
Leggings are really only fashionable on the super-skinny, cause if you aren’t whippet thin, you risk looking about as unfashionable as a pre-surgery Star Jones in dance pants (see right). And who can take that chance? --IP
Macrobiotic food is great. If you are driving and your car stalls from lack of petrol you can just toot into the fuel tank and get going again.
The leggings look like fun. Do they work for men? Or would "my friend" who wants to wear them look silly?
I think somebody should invent a guide like the ones on the back of pantyhose that tells you at what height and weight leggings are appropriate, and what h/w combos are off limits. Personally I am not into leggings or leggings plus furry boots (a common combo) no matter what my weight.
I can report from the inside circle! Having structured a whole wordrobe around the "leggings" in the early 80's. The look is secondary and I can now say unfortunate! Primary is the awesome economy of the "legging": cheap, endlessly wrinkle free, requires absolutely no dry-cleaning, ever, and you only need a long shirt to top off the whole look. Have you ever tried the 1/2 legging? I have...
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