Diary of a Dilettante

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Thursday, September 28

TiVo Travails: 2006 Fall TV Season Begins! (Update)


Well, I said I'd get back to you with my picks and pans for the new television season. But I have encountered a bit of a problem. I just don't care. I have searched far and wide for new series to get excited about, but I honestly can't find any. So far, I watched the new sit-com "Class" which is mildly amusing but not must-see fare; I glimpsed at M. Night-esque "Heroes" which, well, was too M-Night-esque for my taste, but in a cheap TV kind of way. I did force my husband to watch "Men In Trees" but he has since threatened divorce if I ever subject him to the 'Sex in the Northern Exposure City' skein again. Otherwise, I haven't even been able to get myself to even watch anything else.

(Oops, I lied. I did watch "Studio 60" and sort of like it but sort of don't care. Which is what I can say about all the other stuff out there. WHO CARES?)

With "The Office", "Earl", "Grey's Anatomy", "Lost", "Project Runway" and a few other things out there that I already watch regularly (yes, I watch "Grey's Anatomy" even if it is McCheesy, and "Lost" even if it is McConfusing-for-the-sake-of-being-confusing), do I really want to add anything else to my schedule? I am having far more fun blogging about yogurt and discovering widgets that I think I will be retiring the remote for the season and focusing on other activities.

Come to think of it, there may be an even more reasonable explanation as to why I'm bored by TV. I am officially outside of the all important 18-34 youth demographic that advertisers salivate at, and that network programming is geared toward, by and large. Maybe, just maybe, I am not interested in TV because TV is no longer interested in me.

I might just have to consider a 'book of the month' column, transitioning to an old person appropriately touting old media.


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