Diary of a Dilettante

Just in case you cared, here's a place where you can find out a little bit about everything that I know a little bit about.

Location: Los Angeles, CA

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Sunday, September 11

Ten steps to successful dabbling


1. Know only superficial but seemingly impressive information on a number of subjects
2. Vary interests and try not to focus on too logical a set of categories, lest you transform from dilettante to expert
3. Focus specifically on areas that are trendy and pretentious, but that have not yet peaked so that you seem 'ahead of the curve'
4. Quirky is good. Too quirky is annoying...
5. Speak with authority, even if you have no idea what you're saying
6. Live beyond your means, preferably in Los Angeles or New York where you will find many fellow dilettantes to learn from and compete with
7. Change professions and/or jobs with some amount of frequency, to keep your air of 'unpredictability'
8. Don't quite live up to your potential, as success and dilettantery are somewhat in conflict with one another
9. Take pride in your short attention span, never confusing it with either ADD or ADHD
10. Write a blog detailing your interests, since blogs are the perfect medium for dabblers


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